Review: BabyQuip Rentals on Vacation

Thankfully, there isn’t much that makes me feel frazzled these days… but there’s nothing like a vacation with the in-laws to make my heart start racing, my lists start piling up and my fear of forgetting something keeping me awake at night. (Not that my in-laws make us feel like we are bad parents for forgetting something, but I think it’s that age-old thing where it doesn’t matter how long we’ve been around each other, I STILL want to impress them. (Extrovert/people-pleaser problems, anyone?)

My MIL reminded us many times that the condo we were staying in did not have a pack and play for us to use (many of the places we stay DO have one for us) so of course, and I know you saw this coming from a mile away… I forgot to pack ours. There we were, 8-ish hours later, realizing our pack and play was at home and now we had no idea what would happen around nap time and bed time.

If this were years ago, with our son – our firstborn, our little man – it would have been a breeze. He slept in our bed, NO problem. But little miss? She just does not sleep in our bed as well, which isn’t an issue, because she’s always in her crib at home. The bed on vacation was much smaller and I was kind of freaking looking at the prospect of all 4 of us in one small-ish bed.

SO I did what any modern, cool-under-pressure, millennial mama would do… I googled it.

Turns out, there is a company called BabyQuip that rents baby stuff for mamas and families on vacation. Talk about a lifesaver! I found a local rep (Teresa, an absolute angel) and gave her a call.

She could NOT have been nicer, answered all of my questions and was a total pro. She had great reviews and references so I felt awesome about renting from her! Another quick google search later, I had a coupon code and a reservation for a pack and play.

Photo from the BabyQuip website – they were on Shark Tank!!

The hubs picked it up (she was about 10 minutes down the road) and he brings back this pack and play in GREAT condition, with two sheets included. I’m not a snob at all, but I will say that I was very pleasantly surprised at how it was all packaged up. I even had an issue where our plans changed and we were leaving a few hours earlier than expected on our last day, and Teresa was awesome about accommodating our updated plans.

The total cost was around $50 after the code (I believe it’s $8/day for the pack and play) but to be honest, it would have been worth it at a higher price because it was just so convenient. On most vacations, we typically drive and space isn’t usually an issue; we just bring the pack and play (IF WE REMEMBER, LOL) BUT for parents who are traveling and don’t have the room or energy to haul around giant baby gear, or for those who fly, I HIGHLY recommend BabyQuip. From what I’ve seen and experienced myself, the prices are super reasonable, the reps are awesome, the communication and availability is pretty great AND I would gladly spend the money for a better night’s sleep. Our sweet girl would definitely agree.

TL;DR: BabyQuip is worth the money, 10/10 would recommend and will be using again in the future!

Have you used a service like this? What was your experience?

Thanks for reading!!
xoxo, Kelly

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