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Review: BabyQuip Rentals on Vacation

Thankfully, there isn’t much that makes me feel frazzled these days… but there’s nothing like a vacation with the in-laws to make my heart start racing, my lists start piling up and my fear of forgetting something keeping me awake at night. (Not that my in-laws make us feel like we are bad parents for forgetting something, but I think it’s that age-old thing where … Continue reading Review: BabyQuip Rentals on Vacation

Theme of the Month: Self-Love in February

This year, I made New Year’s Resolutions. Guess what? I’ve actually been following through! My secret? I avoided the typical “lose weight,” “exercise,” “eat better/less,” “clean the house,” resolutions that always have me defeated by week three. Okay, week two. But who’s counting? Instead, my resolutions went a little something like this: Mess around with photography (it’s a skill I want to grow, because I … Continue reading Theme of the Month: Self-Love in February

The importance of a #girlsquad

I am definitely one of “those girls” – I love having a #girlsquad. Before TSwift made it uber popular, I just always loved surrounding myself with fun ladies who liked food, loved girl talk and appreciated how much fun it can be to dress up a bit. Let me preface: I wasn’t super popular in high school, I was very much a late-bloomer, and I … Continue reading The importance of a #girlsquad